
I’m thankful for


I’m thankful for my family

Who help me being strong,

They love and support me

Even when I’m wrong.


I’m thankful for my good friends

Who will always be there for me,

Their generosity never ends

They are the best there can be!  


I’m thankful for my school

Where I learn to read and write,

Where the teachers are so cool

And teach me to do what’s right.


I’m thankful for being healthy

And for all the things I can do

For living in a peaceful country

And having friends like you!


Turma 8.º F


I’m thankful for


I’m thankful for being happy

For having friends and family,

For living in a peaceful country

Where there are no wars,

No prejudice and no discrimination.

I’m thankful for the love I have,

For my education and my freedom,

For my health and my energy,

For the dreams I have

And the desire to fulfill them.


8.ºA – Catarina Azevedo, Catarina Marques, David Rodrigues, Joana Torres





Funny Thanksgiving Poem


I’m thankful for my family

Because it isn’t small

And because they like

To drink a lot of “Sumol”.


I’m thankful for not

Being hit by a bomb

And for my friends

Who call me “comb”.


I’m thankful for technology

Because it makes me happy

Thank you computer and TV

Even if you make me sleepy.


Alexandre Costa, Ana Teresa Cruz, Telma Costa – 8.ºA


Thanksgiving poem

Dear parents,

I’m so grateful for everything you do for me,

And I’m writing this poem

Because I want you to know what I see!

I see the food you put on our table

The care you give me when I’m ill

The love and attention you give me

And how special you make me feel!

I thank you for being

The most generous people in the world

I will always love you

Of that you have my word!


Maria Luísa, Diana, Rosa, Débora, Maria Manuela – 8.ºC



I’m thankful for


Glorious God

King of heaven

Thanks for giving me

Such a wonderful life!


On Thanksgiving Day

I pray to you

And all my friends

Are praising you too!


Thanks for my family

Thanks for my friends

Thanks for everything

I’m really grateful to you!


Filipe Costa, Inês Cruz, Tiago Costa, Jacinta Silva, Paula Pereira – 8.ºC


 I’m grateful for…


I’m grateful for my grades

For my friends and for my family

And for all the awesome things

That make me live happily!


I’m grateful for my health

For my money and for my food

And sometimes I wonder

“Why are you so good?”


Eduarda Dias, Mariana Ventura, Tiago André, Rui Jorge – 8.ºC





I’m grateful for


I’m grateful for the food

I’m grateful for my health

I’m grateful for the wood

I’m grateful for my “wealth”


I’m grateful for my family

I’m grateful for my friends

I’m grateful for being happy

My gratitude never ends…


Alexandre Gonçalves, Ana Filipa Afonseca, José Miguel Silva – 8.ºA


I’m thankful for…


I’m thankful for being happy

For my health and my friends

I’m thankful for my family

For my clothes and my gadgets


I’m thankful for my school

For my drinks and my food

I’m thankful for me house

Where I feel so good


Alexandre Soares, Vera Silva, Ana Patrícia – 8.ºA


I’m thankful for


I’m thankful for my family

Who give me education and food,

Who buy me clothes to wear

Who always make me feel good

Who show me how much they care!


I’m thankful for my friends

Who are always there for me,

Who help me when I’m down

Who make me feel free

Who laugh like a clown!


Turma 8.ºB


Thanks for…


Thanks for my parents

Who put the food on my table

Who give me love and attention

Who help me when I need

Who support me in my choices

Who are always there for me.


Ana Catarina, Ana Cristina, César Gonçalves, Filipe Azevedo, Maria de Fátima, Mariana Gonçalves – 8.º C


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